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Privacy policy and terms of service


* Please read the following rules carefully before signing in.
1. Standard Terms

1.1. The terms and conditions outlined in this agreement are comprehensive and should by followed explicitly by all users (hereinafter referred to as "Seller" or "Buyer") of the Global funds fx Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or Global funds fx) platform, as well as all other platform features.

1.2. To start using the the platform offered by Global funds fx, the Seller is required to fully accept all written statements, their rules and implications stated in this agreement. The Company is not to be held accountable and is not accountable for any breach of terms of this agreement on the part of the Seller.

1.3. The Company must give one week’s notice to buyers and/or sellers before modifying any portion or part of this document, which they will be permitted to do so henceforth.

2. Description of the platform

2.1. Global funds fx systems are scalable distributed computing systems for the purposes of cryptocurrency trading. The central data hub of the Company is where all the servers are located that power the platform.

2.2. The Company gives Buyers the opportunity of receiving measureable capital income through the Global funds fx platform (www.Global funds fx.com). Based on the Seller’s use of the platform, all income and capital will be assessed and given.

3. Terms of resource reservation

3.1. To generate capital with the Global funds fx system, each Seller must have an “Active” account—meaning that there is no less than BTC 0.01 in the Seller’s account.

3.2. To fill an account, the Seller will use the Bitcoin payment system.

3.3. Buyer capital is based on the aggregate account balance of the Buyer, in addition to all relevant times of purchase. The Company’s Calculator page will be used for compound interest earnings.

3.4. The same payment system used to acquire funds will be used by the Buyer for withdrawals.

3.5. All withdrawals from the Global funds fx system is done instantly as soon as the Seller requests a withdrawal.

4. Parties to the Agreement

4.1. To become a Seller, all instructions on www.Global funds fx.biz must be completed to open an account.

4.2. Only accurate personal information will be accepted. Improper and falsified information should be banned.

4.3. You must be a legal adult and citizen of the current of your primary address in order to become a Buyer.

4.4. By opening an account with Global funds fx, each Buyer assures that their use of the platform will not be for illegal purposes.

4.5. Only this agreement will stipulate how the platform is to be used, as well as how Buyers and Sellers will use this platform.

4.6. No third party will ever be permitted to solicit personal information from Buyers and Sellers using this platform.

5. Terms of use Account

5.1. The Seller must user their real, legal name when opening an account. Opening multiple accounts using the same name or a fake name will result in permanent termination.

5.2. A Buyer cannot transfer ownership of an account to a third party.

5.3. Payment accounts can be changed via the Buyer’s discretion.

5.4. Seller’s cannot delete their accounts.

6. Affiliate Program Regulations

6.1. The Platform Affiliate Program fast-tracks the lead generation of Buyers of Global funds fx.

6.2. A 4% affiliate commission fee will be paid by the platform for referrals to Global funds fx by Buyers.

6.3 Upon referral, each commission will be deposited into the referring Buyer’s account in real time.

7. Force majeure circumstances

7.1. Global funds fx can suspend the platform if technological disasters, world economic crisis, earthquake, wars, revolution, epidemics and strikes threaten or become detriment to platform use.

Privacy Policy

1.1. This Privacy Policy (Policy) covers all information exchanged between Global funds fx and Buyers and Sellers.

1.2. Confidentiality of personal information used with and shared on the platform is safe and secure, including information on the platform, and information forwarded throughout registration.

The Company’s registration documents provide assurance to this Policy.

All users of this policy will be affected by decisions made by the UK court system. See Terms & Agreements for conditions for rules and regulations under such circumstances.